Apr 01, 2024

Roosters Fun, Casual Event Tips

powered by #CapCityHalf Ambassadors

With Cap City just a couple of weeks away, our ambassadors have put together some tips to make your Cap City experience remarkable!

💧 Nothing new on race day! Practice your hydration & fuel plan on training runs. 
- Tori Gilmore

💃🏾 Trust your training, dance, enjoy the scenery, thank the volunteers, and HAVE FUN!
- Erica Darthard

🤝 Trust your plan! Taper pains are real, but with consistency comes results. Believe in the effort you put in!
Enjoy each moment. We train months for one day, and plans change. But know it doesn’t take away any effort or work put forth!! Be proud of yourself every day!
-Chris Glover

😁 Celebrate yourself at the FINISH LINE! Head up, smile big and arms in the air!! There are photographers there to catch your accomplishment give them all you’ve got! You will see your free pics in an email from Cap City post-race.
- Torre Summers

🎶 Continue to enjoy the journey. Trust your training, listen to your body and always know it’s perfectly fine to walk during your training and on race day. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else and on race day…please please please enjoy it meaning say hi to folks, enjoy the crowd interactions, dance to the music from the bands/DJs that will be on the course and SMILE!! A smile goes a long way for everyone! GEAH GEAH!!
- Aaron Tucker

👍 It's okay to walk... no one is judging you!
- Mark Carter

🙌 Absolutely nothing new on race day; Lay out everything the night before; Leave early on race morning; Eat the same meals you’ve had during training the night before long runs; Be social and supportive on the course; And it’s definitely OK to take walk breaks! I’m the Queen of running intervals.
- Missy Tilton

🎽 Lay everything out the night before! You don’t want to forget something or be running around looking for something when it’s time to leave that morning!
- Michael Murry 

👋 Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with your fellow runners during the race. Even a “Hey, how’s it going? and a smile can go a long way. We’re all in the race together.
Pay attention to the weather forecast.
Never deviate from your diet leading up to race day. I learned the hard way once when I tried something new the night before a race.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
- Andy Bracken

🎉 Celebrate and enjoy the course! You’ve prepared and worked hard to get here. Smile, high-five with spectators, and enjoy that post-race party!
- Julia Wiseman

🙋🏻‍♀️ Raise your hand & move to the side of your start to walk and raise your hand. Don't stop immediately at the finish line...keep walking to prevent cramps and crowds! Relax and enjoy it. It's your time to celebrate all that you can do whatever that looks like.
- Laura Czuba